
v.把…排挤掉,取代( supplant的过去式和过去分词 )
supplanted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Here are four asian options that could easily have supplanted zuckerberg this year .
- 而今年亚洲能轻松取代扎克伯格的,至少有4个人。
- The g20 , which includes these two nations , supplanted the g8 as the world 's most influential talking shop .
- 作为世界上最有影响力的g20峰会替代了之前的g8峰会,而这两个国家赫然在列。
- Causal theorists write as if they have supplanted justificationists : it does not matter what my reasons are , so long as my belief is caused in the right way .
- 因果论者似乎认为他们替代掉了辩护论者:我的理由不重要,只要我的相信是用正确方式导致的。
- For a territorial cession , the military government of the principal occupying power does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty , but continues until legally supplanted .
- 对一个领土割让来说,主要领权之军事政府并非因为和平条约生效而结束,而是此军事政府会一直持续到有法律效力之替代方案实施为止。
- Prime minister was supplanted by his rival .
- 首相被他的对手排挤掉了。
- These networks have supplanted unions as the main vehicles for articulating resistance to economic liberalization .
- 这些网络已取代工会成为对经济自由化发出强有力抵制声音的主要手段。
- Top of the pile is japan , which recently supplanted italy as the world 's oldest big country .
- 第一名是日本,新近取代了意大利成为世界上老龄化程度最高的大国。
- For some , political intervention has supplanted an overvalued currency as the biggest risk in brazil .
- 一些人认为,政治干预已经取代了货币高估,成为了巴西最大的风险。
- She was supplanted in her lover 's affections by her friend .
- 她被她的朋友横刀夺爱。
- Instead of being supplanted by supermarkets , banks may sway shoppers .
- 这下不用担心被超市所排挤了,银行正试图左右消费者。