

v.把…排挤掉,取代( supplant的现在分词 )

supplanting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Newly independent south sudan is a rare example of conscription being introduced ( in the hope of supplanting private militias ) .
Not only historic hotels respond to this " back to the roots " - trend , but also the regional gastronomy and the supplanting of fast food by slow food .
Shanghai 's blueprint , with its promise of greater co-ordination of financial services throughout the yangtze river delta region , is clearly aimed at eventually supplanting the territory .
Supplanting competitors by unfair competitive means .
And , most immediately , are bric consumers currently up to the task of rebalancing the world economy by supplanting their acquisitive american counterparts ?
Will this achieve mr farage 's short-term goal of supplanting the lib dems as britain 's third party ?
To avoid this , melchior wants mothers properly " reintegrated " into society , a society that respects their worth and which supplements their mothering rather than supplanting it .
While a number of socialist critics , most notably karl marx , influentially made a case for censuring and ultimately supplanting capitalism , the huge limitations of relying entirely on the market economy and the profit motive were also clear enough even to adam smith .
All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions . All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions , and executed by supplanting existing institutions . Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship .
The key to any yahoo turnaround lies in thompson 's goal of supplanting a fading display-ad business with a new focus on customer data and analytics .