Kl 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- No direct flight is in the market today - mme. you can either transfer from bangkok or from kl .
- 没有直飞的,您可以选取从曼谷转或是从吉隆坡转。
- Kuala lumpur , malaysia : base jumpers leap from the landmark kl tower at a height of 300 metres
- 吉隆坡,马来西亚:定点跳伞者从吉隆坡塔(kltower)离地300米高的地方一跃而下。
- Kl 's vice president , dave litzen , left , and the company president , randy kramer , discuss production plans at their cellulose plant near upton , wyo.
- 图左为kl公司副总裁davelitzen,正在和公司总裁randykramer讨论该公司在厄普顿附近的纤维素工厂的生产计划。
- One of the first companies to bring a plant online is kl process design group , in upton , wyo. with experience designing corn ethanol plants , it has built a small operation meant to use pine wastes from a nearby national forest .
- 怀俄明州厄普顿的kl工艺流程设计公司是首次提出在线工厂的公司之一,利用玉米-乙醇生产流程的设计经验,该公司建造了一个小车间来利用附近国家森林的废松木。
- You going to kl him in cold blood ?
- 难道你就这么冷血地杀了他?
- I wanna know why kl just let it go ?
- 我想知道为什么卡巴斯基允许这些?
- Trip for shooting the i.m. magazine in kl .
- 此行是为了i.m.杂志拍摄时尚照。
- The kl line capitalizes on children 's natural affinity for running , jumping , and jungle gym activities .
- 马来西亚的路线利用儿童自然亲和力跑,跳、丛林体操活动.
- Differences in xylem leaf specific conductivity ( kl ) measured with different flush solutions .
- 不同冲洗溶质下木质部叶比导率的差异。
- We went to chynna
- klhiltonfordinnerandtheyarehavingthemalaysiainternationalgourmet.