

n.短而硬的毛发,刷子毛( bristle的名词复数 )
bristles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bristles of involucre obviously branched above base .
- 总苞明显上面分枝基部的刚毛。
- Bristles of involucre unbranched or branched only at extreme base .
- 只在极端基部的总苞的刚毛不分枝的或分枝。
- Bristles persisting on the axis after the spikelets have fallen .
- 在小穗已经下降之后,在轴上坚持的刚毛。
- This job bristles with difficulties .
- 这项工作困难重重。
- I 've come to hear about your offer for bristles .
- 我是来听取你们对猪鬃的报盘。
- Bearing or covered with spines or bristles ; prickly .
- 棘皮的具有或覆盖有针或刺的;多刺的。
- Both lobes bear a few relatively long bristles .
- 两叶上有少数较长的鬃。
- Never stand a paintbrush on its bristles .
- 千万不要把画笔毛朝下放置。
- What you getting your bristles up about ?
- 你生什么气啊?
- But mr lin bristles at the mention of mr buffett .
- 但提到巴菲特,林园有些恼怒。