
Memories 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Stress affected the memories of domestic chickens alone .
- 应激只会影响家鸡的记忆力。
- Scientists had also observed them using tools , building complex nests and exhibiting long-term memories .
- 科学家们也观察到它们会使用工具,修筑结构复杂的窝,还表现出长期的记忆力。
- On the average , memories were better , and the students learned a list of unrelated words more easily .
- 总体上看,学生的记忆力有所提高,他们能更加容易地学会一系列不相关的单词。
- Was it because those with negative views of old age were in worse health , which might have affected their memories ?
- 这是因为那些对变老持悲观态度的人的健康情况更差吗因为这可能会影响他们的记忆力?
- So how do we cultivate the restful sleep that 's the magical ingredient in preserving memories ?
- 那么我们应该怎样培养最为保存记忆力神奇原料的宁静睡眠呢?
- It outlines the methods that need to be mastered in order to boost our memories and regain the ability to recall long strings of names , numbers or faces .
- 书中概括了很多方法,要提升记忆力并恢复对长串姓名、数字或面孔的回忆能力,这些方法是必须得掌握的。
- This leads to a crucial tip for improving our memories : space out your learning about things that are important .
- 这给了我们提高记忆力的关键提醒:分段学习重要的事情。
- The most permanent change is memories .
- 最永久性的改变就是记忆力。
- One group that has been evaluated , the polyphenols , has been shown in rodents to reduce oxidative damage and to boost the ability to learn and retain memories .
- 多酚是一类已被研究的物质,在啮齿类动物实验中显示,它能减少氧化损伤并有助于学习能力的改善和记忆力的保持。
- Old age does more than stealthily steal away our most cherished memories : it also seems to diminish our ability to imagine things .
- 老化不仅悄悄地夺走我们最珍贵的记忆力,好像也削弱了我们对各种事情的想象力。