ge 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He 's a former ge capital executive , thus the reference to fico , the credit scoring system .
- 他曾担任通用电气金融服务公司(GECapital)高管,因此引用了信用评分模型FICO。
- Ge ( no. 6 on the fortune 500 ) has 86,066 followers .
- 目前,通用电气(在财富美国500强中排名第6)的粉丝有86066人。
- In october , ge received fda approval for its so-called senobright .
- 通用电气公司的SenoBright系统也于10月份获得了美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)的批准。
- Ge plans to launch 20 new industrial internet service technologies in 2013 .
- 通用电气计划在2013年发布20款新兴工业互联网服务技术。
- That 's where ge comes in .
- 而这正是通用电气的切入点。
- The foursome 's own hustle helped land a partnership with general electric ( ge ) .
- 公司四位创始人凭借不懈的努力,最终与通用电气建立了合作伙伴关系。
- But , what is ge the very best in the world at ?
- 那么,通用最擅长的是什么呢?
- Former ge ceo jack welch was known for championing a " forced ranking " system .
- 众所周知,通用电气(GE)前任首席执行官杰克•韦尔奇大力支持“末位淘汰制”。
- Ms. ge said she and her husband live in a sprawling town house a few blocks away and shuttle between homes in one of the family 's three cars .
- 葛女士说她和丈夫住在几个街区以外一间宽敞的连体别墅里,家里有3辆小车,来往于两个家之间。
- Eights days after the goldman deal , berkshire gave ge a vote of confidence by investing $ 3 billion via purchase of the industrial giant 's preferred stock .
- 高盛交易刚过8天,伯克希尔便以购买优先股的方式为GE这位工业巨头打了一针价值30亿美元的强心剂。