at a disadvantage是什么意思,at a disadvantage的意思是
at a disadvantage基本解释
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- Otherwise u.s. companies could be at a disadvantage in competing for access to russian markets .
- 如若不然,美国企业在为打入俄罗斯市场而与别国相竞争时,可能会处于不利地位。
- While continental chemicals groups feel that higher energy costs put them at a disadvantage to asian rivals companies in the uk complain they are becoming less competitive than their european neighbours .
- 欧洲大陆的化工企业认为,能源成本上升使其相对于亚洲竞争对手处于劣势;而英国的化工企业则抱怨称,它们的竞争力正变得不如其它欧洲邻国。
- Our common commitment created a new framework to address currencies that put us producers at a disadvantage .
- 我们的共同承诺为解决令美国制造商处于劣势的汇率问题创造了一个新的框架。
- Under its new model google could give motorola early access to android software without putting other partners at a disadvantage said a person familiar with the matter .
- 一位知情人士说,在新的业务模式下,谷歌在提前向摩托罗拉提供安卓系统的同时不会令其他合作伙伴处于不利地位。
- This places telstra at a disadvantage when competing for profitable urban customers .
- 这使得telstra在争取有利可图的城市客户方面处于劣势。
- The speed of the fund approvals inadvertently placed many of the rqfii fund issuers in hong kong at a disadvantage .
- 如此的基金审批速度,在不经意间将香港许多rqfii基金发行人置于不利地位。
- We are told imposing regulation will be too expensive and will put uk firms at a disadvantage .
- 我们被告知,实施监管的成本将过于高昂,而且将把英国企业置于不利的境地。
- They believe they are at a disadvantage to us banks which can shift their holdings to a cost basis more easily and escape the savaging of asset values in today 's markets .
- 这些欧洲银行认为,他们相较于美国银行处于劣势美国银行能够更容易地将资产转换为以成本计价,避免资产价值在当前市场中大幅缩水。
- Talk of diversification must be backed up with a menu of products however and without looser regulation foreign banks will remain at a disadvantage .
- 然而,多样化的对话必须以产品目录的形式加以备份,并且不放松对外资银行的监管始终会让其处于不利地位。
- In every country that has contemplated regulating greenhouse gases it is seen as a problem : how can policy ensure that legal limits on emissions do not put local firms at a disadvantage to their foreign competitors ?
- 对于每个意欲控制温室气体排放的国家来说,这无疑是个问题:政策如何确保关于温室气体排放的法律限制不让本地公司和其外国竞争者相比处于劣势?