ons 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But I can imagine the ons effort will come in handy eventually .
- 但我推断,英国国家统计局的努力最终会派上用场。
- Separate figures from the ons revealed the uk 's trade deficit widened to its biggest gap in april since september last year .
- 来自ons的独立数据显示,英国贸易逆差自去年9月份以来,于今年4月份达到最大。
- Ren 10 offers many kinds of schools ( ons even hopes to open boarding schools ) , but good ones share common traits .
- 虽然ren10提出了多种学校形式(ons甚至希望开设寄宿学校),但好学校具有共同的特点。
- The ons said that of the 8.16 million economically inactive people , 2.3 million have said they would like a job .
- ons称,816万的“非经济活动人群”中有230万人表示自己希望工作。
- Although the ons figures cast an intriguing new light on the austerity debate .
- 不过,英国国家统计局的数据让人们对围绕紧缩的辩论有了深刻的新认识。
- The office for national statistics ( ons ) also reported a small fall in the number of people claiming unemployment benefits .
- 国家统计局(ons)也报告了领取失业救济金人数的小幅下降。
- The ons analysis points to differences between how britons and americans view their working lives .
- 英国国家统计局的分析显示了英国人和美国人对工作看法的差异。
- The office for national statistics ( ons ) tends to revise gdp up after a recession .
- 英国国家统计局倾向于在经济衰退之后调整gdp预期。
- The problem is unsolvable , and if you disagree , may I recommend that you write directly to the ons .
- 该问题无法解决,如果你对此有不同见解,我建议你直接写信给国家统计局。
- Are your ear rings clip ons ?
- 你的耳环是夹式的吗?