

scanning 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Uses a well respected clamav scanning engine .
- 使用了一个备受推崇的clamav的扫描引擎。
- This scanning electron microscope image illustrates one attempt to do so .
- 这张扫描电子显微镜图像展示了对古迹保护的一次尝试。
- These scanning techniques have revealed which parts of the brain are associated with which functions .
- 这些扫描技术解释了脑部不同的区域如何对应着不同的功能。
- Phd student verena heise will use state-of-the-art brain scanning techniques .
- 韦雷娜*海瑟博士将用最尖端的脑部扫描技术进行研究。
- And scanning a printed document costs money-around ten cents a page .
- 扫描一个印刷文件所需的费用---大概一页10美分。
- The other type doesn 't use x-rays but instead a technology called millimeter-wave scanning .
- 另外一种不使用x射线,而是采用了一种叫做毫米波扫描的技术。
- Owen 's research group used functional mri scanning , which images the brain .
- 欧文的研究团队用功能性核磁共振来进行扫描,这就形成了大脑的影像。
- In one case , scanning revealed a lethal stroke that dissection missed .
- 在一个例子里,放射线扫描显示出了通过解剖没有发现的致死性脑中风。
- Gpfs also enables a large system to keep track of its many files without laboriously scanning through every one .
- gpfs也能够让一个大的系统记录很多文件而不必费力地扫描每个文件。
- It fears a negative reaction from privacy-rights and internet-freedom advocates who do not want the government scanning internet traffic .
- 他们害怕那些不希望政府扫描因特网流量的隐私权维护者和网络自由拥护者带来的负面反应。