

scanner 变化形式
复数: scanners

scanner 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If the scanner read any two bars followed by an infinitely long space , it returned the number 6 .
- 如果扫描器读取的任意两条条码间有无限长的间距,它会返回数值6。
- The scanner also had to be robust enough to endure high usage levels .
- 这种扫描仪还必须足够结实,能经受高频率的使用。
- Sometimes the workers who show people how to place their fingers on the scanner accidentally scan their own fingerprints .
- 那些向人们演示如何将指尖放在扫描器上的工作人员,有时会在不经意间扫描自己的指纹。
- A good scanner will definitely make your job easier , and will help you not to forget a particular object or input .
- 一款优秀的扫描器会使你的工作变轻松,并且帮助提醒你关键的对象或输入项。
- There are other barcode scanning apps available , but we 've found barcode scanner to be an excellent choice .
- 除此之外还有其他可用的扫描应用程序,但我们认为“条形码扫描器”是个非常好的选择。
- She then used a specialized brain scanner capable of detecting alterations in glucose .
- 然后她用一台专门的大脑扫描仪来检测葡萄糖的变化。
- After a few weekends with this scanner , you can throw away your file cabinet .
- 在使用该扫描仪几周之后,你就可以扔掉你的文件柜了。
- It has a built-in qr code scanner to read these codes using the phone 's camera .
- 这个应用内置了一个qr码扫描仪,通过手机的摄像头读码。
- In contrast , a popular commercial 2-d fingerprint scanner scored 1.7125 .
- 作为对比,普遍使用的商业化二维指纹扫描仪只能得1.7125分。
- Until 2008 , the hospital 's only ct scanner was an older ge model acquired in the 1990s .
- 在2008年之前,这家位于上海市北部的社区医院只有一台于上世纪90年代获得的ct扫描仪。