

replacement 变化形式
复数: replacements
易混淆的单词: Replacement
replacement 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But self-interest is proving an insufficient replacement .
- 但事实证明,利己主义尚不足以作为替代。
- Much of europe and east asia have fertility rates far below replacement levels .
- 而欧洲和东亚大部份地区的生育率已经远远低于替换率了。
- Replacement parts and components for new machines line stern 's warehouse .
- 替换零件和组件,新机器线,斯特恩的仓库。
- The research exemplifies the challenges of creating cell replacement therapies from embryonic stem cells .
- 该研究充分体现了从胚胎干细胞创造细胞替换疗法的挑战性。
- Calling dell for replacement part was pointless .
- 打电话到戴尔要求更换是指望不上的。
- And we never got to see a true replacement for the e-type .
- 我们也从来没有看到一款真正替代e型的车子。
- It said customers should get in touch to obtain replacement belts .
- 其还表示客户应与其保持联系以便更换安全带。
- Is this a replacement for statistics 101 ?
- 它能否取代《统计学101》这门课程?
- This coin bank is an attractive and unique replacement to the coin jar .
- 这个硬币银行是一个诱人而独特的硬币罐替代品。
- American officials insist that palanquero is not a direct replacement for manta .
- 美国官员坚称,palanquero不是要直接取代manta基地的功能。