

replantation 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Objective to explore a fingertip replantation root beyond the clinical features .
- 目的探讨甲根以远指尖离断再植的临床特点。
- Nursing of 36 adult cases wit replantation of amputated fingers .
- 36例成人断指再植护理体会.
- The comparative study of the effects of absorbable intramedullary nails and kirschner wire on amputated finger replantation .
- 多指再植可吸收髓内钉与克氏针内固定效果比较研究。
- Conclusion skull lock fixation is superior to autologous bone chip replantation and silk suture fixation for bone defect repair via keyhole approach .
- 结论颅骨锁固定法在锁孔手术的骨孔修复上,较骨屑回植法和丝线固定法更具有优势。
- Objective to discuss the clinical effect of fixed appliance technology on permanent dentition replantation in mixed dentition period .
- 目的探讨固定矫治技术应用于替牙期恒牙再植术后固定的临床效果。
- Objective study the effect that hand surgical warm box aid-treatment wound union , replantation finger survive .
- 目的研究手外科温箱对手外伤患者伤口或创面愈合,以及再植手指或手成活的影响。
- Objective to report the operative technique and clinical results of distal phalanx replantation .
- 目的报道末节断指再植的手术方法及临床效果。
- Objective to summarize the operation methods and the clinical results of anastomosis of the superficial palmar digital veins in finger replantation .
- 目的总结吻合指掌侧浅静脉断指再植的手术方法及临床效果。
- To assess the value of applying superficial veins to arterioles to rebuild blood supply in the replantation of severed distal finger segments .
- 探讨浅静脉动脉化重建血运在末节断指再植中的应用价值。
- Objective : to provide anatomical data of the third toe sectional area for anatomy and replantation of severed toes .
- 目的:为解剖学及断趾再植提供第三趾断面解剖学资料。