ie 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Most of what customize google for ie offers is pretty helpful .
- ie的定制google插件所提供的大多数功能都十分有用。
- Compatibility is one of the most heated topics surrounding ie 8 .
- 兼容性是围绕着ie8的最热门的一个话题。
- Web slices are a simple way for websites to integrate content directly into the ie 8 browser .
- 主页资讯是将网页内容直接整合到ie8浏览器的一种简单方法。
- The book 's still sitting on my shelf , ie I haven 't read it .
- 那本书仍在我的书架上搁着呢(我还没看呢)。
- In a village near foshan , residents elected an independent candidate , ie one who did not have party backing .
- 在靠近佛山的一个村子里、居民投票选举独立候选人即没有党派的支持的候选人。
- He thinks he 's a second churchill ! Ie believes he has churchill 's abilities .
- 他认为他是第二个丘吉尔(自信有丘吉尔的才能)。
- He puts his work before everything , ie regards it as more important than anything else .
- 他把工作放在第一位(看得比任何事都重要)。
- One interesting thing is that the regime has consciously played upon its knowledge that most people 's grievances are against local agents of political authority ie venal local officials .
- 一件有趣的事情是这个政权一直在有意识地运用这一种认知,即绝大多数人的怨恨是针对政治权威的地方机构即恶毒的地方官员的。
- They were less good at starting from scratch , ie , a fully unfolded protein .
- 人类在从零开始的问题上要差一些,例如,一组完全展开的蛋白质。
- Everything in the garden is doing ie growing splendidly .
- 花园里的一切植物都长得好极了。