

n.<法>(味浓)蔬菜炖肉( ragout的名词复数 )

ragouts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Their tenderness varies , depending on the section of the lamb they come from ; they are used mainly to make brochettes or ragouts .
Their tenderness varies , depending on the section of the calf they come from ; they are used mainly to make brochettes or ragouts .
Ali baba went into the kitchen , and ordered morgiana to put no salt to the meat that was to be dressed that night ; and to make quickly two or three ragouts besides what he had ordered , but be sure to put no salt in them .
The highly aromatic leaves are mostly used in salads , soups , ragouts and fruit platters , as well as in some liqueurs , such as chartreuse and benedictine .