rt 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the way to the apple store today to buy applecare + for my wife 's new iphone 5 , we passed the new microsoft store , coincidentally in the middle of their surface with windows rt launch .
- 今天我和妻子去苹果零售店为她的新iphone5购买applecare+,路过一家最近开业的微软零售店,他们恰好正在进行windowsrt版surface的首发推广活动。
- Unattended install application rt seven lite .
- 无人值守安装应用逆转录七建兴。
- Rt a is an exception to the mfn principle under multilateral trade system .
- 区域贸易协定是多边贸易体制最惠国原则的例外。
- I-i just have to rt it to someone by tomorrow .
- 我明天得把房子租出去。
- The correlation between simple rt and mt of fingers is not significant .
- 手指简单反应时间与动作时间的相关不显著。
- Rt result is used for design improvement & quality improvement .
- 可靠性测试用作推动设计改善及产品品质。
- Rt , sixth day trip to go to huangshan , please let jinzhai road side from hefei , how to get high-speed copper yellow .
- 初六要去黄山一趟,请告知从合肥金寨路这边,如何进入合铜黄高速。
- No , my father wouldn 't rt anyone !
- 不我爸不会伤害任何人!
- Reporter goes undercover at rt mart to sell meat
- 记者去大润发售肉处卧底。
- I bet our teachers never thought the equation " d = rt " would be used to figure that one out , or that we would be tempted to research everything about namibia , because it was home of the world 's fastest caterpillar .
- 我打赌我们的老师决不会想到“距离=速度*时间”的公式会被用来算这个,也决不会想到我们之所以有兴趣研究有关纳米比亚的一切,只是因为那是世界上爬得最快的毛毛虫的故乡。