cr 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ready to move in row house with interiors for 1.35 cr + reg .
- 准备迁往排房子与内饰为1.35铬+条例。
- The paper focused on how to evaluate internal control system with the example of cr company .
- 本文着重对如何评价内部控制体系进行了说明,并以cr公司为例。
- The variation with temperature of the spin-phonon mode develops when the antiferromagnetic state is near the ordering temperature of the cr spins .
- 当反铁磁态接近铬自旋的有序温度时,自旋-声子模将随著温度产生变化。
- Diagnostic value of the carpal bones and scapoid bone ischemic necrosis in early stage on cr film .
- cr片在早期发现腕舟骨缺血性坏死的诊断价值。
- Table 3 effect of different composts on total content and h2o extractible cu , zn , cr and as .
- 表3不同堆肥处理对铜,锌,铬和砷全量和水溶态含量的影响。
- This kind of love insufficiently real please do not let me cr ......
- 这种爱情不真实,请不要让我为你哭泣。
- Conclusion : the doxazosin cr tablets is effective and safe in the long term treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension .
- 结论:轻、中度原发性高血压患者长期服用多沙唑嗪控释片是有效而安全的。
- Based on the market situation , some suggestions are also given in the paper for the cr development of our country .
- 并根据市场情况对我国发展氯丁橡胶提出若干建议。
- Revealing the importance of safety to the cr respondents , volvo placed sixth despite its outdated product line and moribund sales performance .
- 沃尔沃(Volvo)的产品线虽然稍显过时,而且销售表现也半死不活,但是仍然排到了第六名的位置,这也从一个侧面说明了受访者对于汽车安全性的重视。
- What happened to the new york stock exchange ( nyse ) being the premier worldwide exchange , which only listed the cr è me de la cr è me ?
- 作为全球领先的证券交易所,作为只接纳精英企业的交易所,纽约证交所(NYSE)出了什么问题?