VO 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Vo : so you have applied several times ?
- 签证官:你已经申请好几次了?
- Is there a vo for a legal visit ?
- 有合法探视的口头请求吗?
- Old station lane giang vo third store .
- 讲武巷旧车站店面第三间。
- The poet wind is out over the sea and the forest to seek his own vo ice .
- 诗人--飚风,正出经海洋森林,追求它自己的歌声。
- Giang vo exhibition & fairground , hanoi , vietnam .
- 越南-河内讲武国际展览。
- How about if I put you I vo gerlich 's old office ?
- 我把你放置到冯哥图尔以前的办公室怎么样
- The leader of the vo vi meditation school passed away in montreal , canada , at the ripe age of 86 ...... etc.
- 无为禅院的住持於加拿大蒙特娄辞世,享年86岁。
- An experimental study on the training of elaborative rehearsal strategy to improve the quality of english vo .
- 精致复述策略训练提高高一学生词汇学习质量的实验研究。
- Contract services including all post-contract services including vo , claims , payment , financial report , final account and attending project meetings .
- 合同服务包括所有的合同后服务,如vo,报销,付款,财务报告,决算帐户和参加项目会议。
- A doctor there measured my vo 2 max , which is a gauge of how much oxygen you can take and use , and help says that my numbers are still the highest they 've ever come across .
- 那儿的一个博士对我的肺活量进行了测量,就是测量你能够利用多少氧气。发现我的肺活量数值是他们迄今碰到的最高的记录。