
v.宽恕( pardon的过去式和过去分词 );原谅;赦免;特赦
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- The turkey was eventually pardoned by her kennedy on november 19 , 1963 .
- 这只火鸡最终被它的肯尼迪赦免与1963年十一月19日。
- They have been pardoned , but continue to be harassed .
- 他们已经被赦免了,但是仍然继续被骚扰。
- Reagan joked that if that year 's turkey had not already been destined for a petting farm , " I would have pardoned him . "
- 里根总统开玩笑道,如果那年的火鸡还尚未送往宠物农场的话,“我就会特赦他。”
- However , a campaign to have turing officially pardoned was rejected by justice minister lord mcnally last month .
- 然而上个月要求正式赦免图灵的请求遭到司法部长麦克纳利勋爵的拒绝。
- Bush pardoned a turkey in each remaining year of his presidency , as has every president since .
- 在其任期内余下的每一年,老布什都会赦免一只火鸡,至此以后历届总统都沿袭了这一传统。
- In november the president pardoned and freed mr mann and four south african co-plotters ; the briton had served only a year and a bit of his 34-year sentence .
- 11月,恩圭马总统特赦释放了曼恩和四个南非的同谋者,英国人仅服了他34年刑期的一年。
- But mireya moscoso , panama 's president , pardoned him shortly before leaving office in 2004 .
- 然而在2004年巴拿马总统mireyamoscoso离任前不久他又获得了赦免。
- Mr lee then promptly pardoned him .
- 李明博总统后来立即赦免了他。
- President lee myung-bak ( the ex-boss of a hyundai firm ) has pardoned dozens of chaebol bosses convicted of corporate crimes .
- 总统李明博(现代公司的前任老板)已经赦免了大量犯了公司犯罪罪行的财阀老板。
- Mr. hood said all but 22 of those pardoned had failed to meet this requirement , rendering their pardons invalid .
- hood说,其中有22名被赦免的罪犯未满足这个要求,致使这一部分的赦免是无效的。