
raiding 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Berlusconi 's government is already taking action against ratings agencies , with police raiding the offices of moody 's and s & p last month .
- 贝卢斯科尼政府已经对评级机构采取了行动,就在上个月,意大利警方袭击了穆迪和标普的办公室。
- Long-awaited opening arguments in the fraud trial of media baron conrad black , who is accused of raiding his newspaper empire for bonuses and petty cash , were delayed on monday .
- 在媒介贵族肯拉德莱克,被控告为奖金和细小的现金袭击他的报纸帝国,的诈骗试用的被期待已久的洞争论在星期一被推迟。
- Instead , some bears are getting more food on land , raiding goose nests for their eggs .
- 恰恰相反,有些北极熊在陆地觅食的机会越来越多,它们闯入海鸟的巢穴抢劫鸟蛋。
- Lt was a small raiding party , l guess .
- 我猜想可能是一个奇袭小分队。
- What a nice surprise ! Are you snooping or raiding ?
- 真让人吃惊!你在调查我,攻击我?
- Were these the ones raiding the orchards ?
- 这些就是偷果子那批人?
- One of the consequences is that elephants start raiding crops , which can end up harming both people and elephants .
- 后果之一是大象开始偷袭践踏庄稼,到头来人象同时受害。
- I recently lunched with a friend who 'd been blindsided by the economy , her husband 's job loss , depression and subsequent raiding of their savings .
- 最近我和一个刚刚遭受经济原因出其不意攻击的朋友吃饭,她的丈夫丢了工作,沮丧和随之而来的事侵吞着他们的积蓄。
- As president , however , his justice department has vigorously pursued medical-marijuanagrowers and dispensaries , raiding about 200 since 2009 .
- 然而,成为总统后,他的司法部大力追捕医用大麻栽培者与药房,自2009年搜捕约200处。
- Investigating judges have spent years raiding premises , confiscating documents , decrypting computer files and interrogating witnesses , including two french former spymasters .
- 侦讯人员花了好几年搜查办公地点,查抄文件,解密电脑文件还有问询目击者包括两位前法国间谍组织首脑。