

oke 变化形式
易混淆的单词: OkeOKE
oke 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He oke at the meeting in favor of the plan .
- 他在会上发言赞成这个计划。
- Do not treat this serious matter as a j oke .
- 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。
- Half an hour later she oke up and began to cry .
- 半钟头后她醒过来之后起头哭了。
- Shanghai oke optical & glasses co.
- 上海澳加光学眼镜有限公司.
- He oke at the meeting in su ort of my idea .
- 他在会上讲话支持我的想法。
- Jackson , clad in black and wearing his trademark shades , also oke briefly to journalists .
- 杰克逊穿着一身黑色衣服,戴着他的“招牌”墨镜,对于记者的提问也是简而答之。
- Just some oke asking about the surf here . ( Laughs ) he didn 't even have a stick .
- 只是一些奥凯询问这里的冲浪。(笑)他甚至没有一根棍子。
- Femi oke reports , though , that illegal diamond mining does continue today .
- 但是根据费米欧克的报导,非法钻石开采至今依旧持续进行著。
- Oke memories of his past sufferings .
- 这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。
- I thought you just oke up .
- 我认为你才刚起床。