
Dietrich 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I must warn you , miss dietrich , that your sympathy for that little negro girl is going a little too far .
- 我必须警告你,迪特里希小姐,你对那个黑人女孩的同情太过分了。
- " It is recognisable as a hand axe , but very rough , " says dietrich stout of emory university , atlanta .
- 亚特兰大埃默里大学的迪特里希斯托特(dietrichstout)说:“大致可看出是一把手斧,但是非常粗糙。”
- Dietrich thinks italy will be the first country in europe to hit grid parity possibly as soon as next year .
- 迪特里希认为,意大利将成为欧洲第一个达到电网平价的国家-最快可能在明年。
- I asked lucas dietrich , thames & hudson 's design editor , tasked with developing ebooks , about this new platform in general and cycledia 's unique challenges .
- 我询问了参与ebooks开发的thames&hudson设计主编lucasdietrich,主要是关于新平台在一般性和cycledia独特性上面临的挑战。
- Dietrich jehle , md , professor of emergency medicine at the university at buffalo school of medicine and biomedical sciences and at erie county medical center , is first author on the study .
- dietrichjehle医学博士,buffalo大学医学和生化科学学院和erie郡医疗中心应急医疗学教授是这项研究的第一作者。
- She used to look like marlene dietrich .
- 她年轻时看起来就像玛琳黛德丽。
- Simon russell beale is the cross-dressing captain , who performs carmen miranda and marlene dietrich songs .
- 西蒙罗素贝尔是男扮女装的船长,谁执行卡门米兰达和玛琳黛德丽的歌。
- Carl dietrich says nearly one hundred people have already signed up as buyers .
- 迪特里希表示已有近一百人签字成为买家。
- Good morning , miss dietrich . This is my mother . This is miss dietrich , mother .
- 迪特里希小姐,早上好。这是我妈妈。妈妈,这是迪特里希小姐。
- Nothing . They 're waiting for dietrich , to go hunting .
- 没什么。他们在等迪叶特里奇去打猎。