
[ˈmɑkˌpo, ˈmɒk-]

Mokpo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As soon as we cross the embankment it 's mokpo .
- 过了大堤以后就到木浦了。
- Young-hui said she 's from one in mokpo .
- 听咏慧说是在木浦。
- Mokpo aint that kind of place !
- 木浦不是那种地方!
- Ah ! Grab the ball in the mokpo univ.a long pass !
- 哎!木浦本科抢到篮板.精彩的长传!
- With the first-ever commercial operation of the korea train express from seoul to busan and mokpo , south korea opens the era of high-speed trains .
- 随着从首尔到釜山到木浦的韩国特快列车投入商业运营,韩国开启了高速列车的新纪元。
- If you knew that she was walking to mokpo .
- 如果你知道她会走着来木浦。
- Lf you knew that she was walking to mokpo .
- 如果你知道她要走到木浦来。
- I didn 't know they had subways in mokpo .
- 我还没听说过木浦有地铁呢。
- I 'm on my way to the wedding in mokpo .
- 我要去木浦参加婚礼。