hauled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The united kingdom famously hauled troops during the falklands war with the queen elizabeth 2 .
- 在福无兰岛战争中,英国非常著名地用伊丽莎白2号运送军队。
- Roads , rivers and railways do not reach everywhere , and even if they did , many cumbersome and heavy objects would need to be hauled in pieces , only to be put together at the final destination .
- 公路、铁路和水路运输总有到不了的地方,就算能到,也需要把许多又大又重的货物拆成零件来运送,然后再在目的地重新组装。
- American and british bank bosses were hauled up in front of lawmakers on february 10th and 11th to issue scripted apologies for their mistakes and to answer mocking questions about their pay packages .
- 美国和英国的银行总裁们于二月10日、11日被传讯到庭对他们的错误发表书面道歉,并回答对他们工资总额的冷嘲热讽的问题。