be broke是什么意思,be broke的意思是
be broke基本解释
1. 没钱
2. 破产了,身无分文了。
be broke的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I don 't want to be broke and in debt
- 我不想破产或者欠债
- You can 't be broke . We just got paid yesterday !
- 你不可能没钱。我们昨天刚发了工资!
- L ` ll be broke will you still waht me ?
- 我已经没钱了,你还喜欢我?
- Anyone can be broke but to steal is a horse of a different color .
- 每个人都可能落到身无分文的地步,但偷窃却完全是另一回事儿了。
- From now on you have to buy less brand name clothes otherwise you would be broke soon .
- 从今后你要少买些名牌衣服,否则的话,你很快就会身无分文了。
- In fact medicare would be broke by 2017 - and that the only way to keep it solvent was to ' control runaway growth ' in health-care spending .
- 事实上,医保体系到2017年可能破产--而让医保体系保持偿付能力的唯一办法就是控制卫生保健开支的过快增长。
- I 'm gonna be broke in a month .
- 不出一个月我就身无分文了。
- If he were after your stock you 'd be broke .
- 如果他在查你的股票,你早就破产了。
- You 're a doctor . How can you be broke ?
- 你是个医生怎么会破产呢?
- Work two jobs just to have enough money to be broke ?
- 做两份工才能拿到刚好够花的钱?