
necklaces 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You can actually sort by " priced high to low " if you like buying great-looking necklaces .
- 如果你喜欢买很漂亮的项链,可以按“价格从高到低”分类。
- Also found were necklaces and bracelets of precious spondylus shells among other precious items .
- 在其它珍贵物品中还发现了由珍贵的汉堡贝贝壳(spondylusshells)组成的项链和手镯。
- Her revamped look included a sophisticated hairstyle , dressy slacks and jackets , pumps , colorful necklaces and extra makeup .
- 她的全新形象包括优雅的发型、考究的长裤和上衣、高跟鞋、华美的项链和浓妆。
- Two weeks ago , one of his wife 's necklaces disappeared .
- 两星期前,他妻子的一条项链不见了。
- It is the most contentious item of clothing on the catwalk , found on everything from shoes to coats to chain necklaces . Fur is back .
- 这成了时装秀上最具争议性的服饰,从鞋子、外套再到项链均可看到皮草的踪影,皮草已然卷土重来。
- Not all stores operating online sell proper things hence when you are looking to buy necklaces from solely online , always make sure you know what you are doing .
- 并不是所有在网上营业的商店都出售适合你的东西,因此当你纯粹上网购买项链时,务必确切知道自己在做什么。
- Rhodes brought her doctor husband and a plastic food container rattling with heavy necklaces , bracelets and watches from her own collection and that of her late mother .
- rhodes带来了她作医生的丈夫和一个塑料饭盒,饭盒里满是她已故母亲以及自己收藏的沉甸甸的项链,手镯和手表。
- Birthstones are also stunning when mounted in watches , brooches , and hairpins for those who rarely wear rings or necklaces .
- 对于那些很少穿戴戒指或项链的人来说,配有诞生石的手表,胸针或发夹都是件令人惊喜的礼物。
- No doubt too that the 43 dazzling necklaces , earrings and bracelets are already out of the country .
- 那43件耀眼的项链、耳环和手镯也无疑早已流向国外。
- A decade ago , western and malian archaeologists began digging in the sandy soil and uncovered fine pottery , copper bracelets and bead necklaces strung with glass and semiprecious stones .
- 10年前,欧美国家和马里的考古学家们在砂土中搜寻并发现了精细陶瓷、铜手镯和用玻璃和半宝石串的天珠项链。