
neckties 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Formal clothes : suit ; neckties ; stickpins .
- 正式服装:西装、领带、领带夹。
- Dress code : neckties , business suits and other business attire are recommended .
- 着装:推荐使用领带、西服和其他商务着装。
- With the utmost politeness he introduced timmy willie to nine other mice , all with long tails and white neckties .
- 约翰尼很有礼貌地把蒂米威利介绍给其他九只拖着长长的尾巴、系着白色领带的老鼠。
- In september 2009 , in an attempt to save on air-conditioning bills , bangladesh banned neckties and suits for all public employees .
- 2009年九月,为节省空调费用,孟加拉国决定禁止所有公务员戴领带。
- Tight shirt collars and neckties can reduce circulation to the brain and increase intraocular pressure , a risk factor for glaucoma , experts warn .
- 专家警告说,衬衣领和领带过紧会减少流向大脑的血液并增加眼压,而眼压增加是青光眼的一种致病因素。
- The british men , previously shown on iranian television in military uniforms , wore dark business suits but , following the iranian style , no neckties .
- 以前曾在伊朗电视台穿军装出现过的那个英国人穿了一件黑色西装,但是却按照伊朗的风俗而没有戴领带。
- Ralph lauren 's neckties herald the dawn of designer menswear collections , as opposed to the traditional tailoring of the past .
- 相较于过去的传统剪裁,拉尔夫劳伦的领带预示了男装设计崭新的一页。
- And since they tend not to be cleaned as often as other clothing items , neckties can be transmit infection .
- 由于领带往往不会像其他衣物一样经常清洗,因此可能会造成交叉感染。
- After the fukushima nuclear disaster , and resulting energy crisis in japan , the government asked workers to not wear neckties and and other formal clothing to work .
- 福岛核电站事故过后,日本出现了能源危机,政府要求工人不许工作中佩戴领带以及其他正装。
- Similarly , " I 'm sick of selling neckties all day long " sends a completely different attitude and set of signals to your imagination than does " I want to run a charter fishing boat in honey harbor . "
- 类似的,“我厌倦了每日推销领带的无聊生活”所传达出来的态度与“我想到蜜蜂湾去租艘渔船享受享受”截然不同。