
v.出外猎取人头( headhunt的现在分词 )
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- I manage a business that includes 300 skilled recruitment professionals , headhunting accountants , lawyers , marketers and hr specialists .
- 我管理的企业拥有300名有经验的招聘专家、猎头顾问、律师、营销人员和人力资源专员。
- Last week an acquaintance told me he had just employed one of the world 's largest headhunting firms to help him find a new managing director .
- 上周,一位熟人告诉我,他刚聘用了全球最大猎头公司中的一家,帮他找一位新的董事总经理。
- Headhunting ( contrary to its slimy reputation ) struck me as being just as worthwhile as teaching or nursing but without the dismal salary .
- 对我而言,做猎头(与其不佳的名声相反)就像做老师或护士一样有价值,而且薪水不菲。
- Kevin gibson , managing director of headhunting firm robert walters japan , says he , too , is witnessing a flight to risk-free industries .
- 日本robertwalters猎头公司常务董事凯文?吉布森称,他也目睹着人们转而涌入无风险行业的场面。
- Brian sullivan , the chief executive of ctpartners , a headhunting firm , says the most difficult part of his job is saying no to people who want a piece of his time .
- 猎头公司ctpartners的总监briansullivan说道,他工作中最难的一部分就是对那些想占用他时间的人说不。
- Andrea williams , managing director of ambition , a headhunting firm in hong kong , said that things started to turn noticeably from april onward .
- andreawilliams香港一间猎头公司“ambition”的执行董事,表示从四月起事情开始明显好转。
- " We are looking for women to fill every seat vacated by a man , " says diane segalen , vice-chairman of ctpartners , a headhunting firm in paris .
- 巴黎的猎头公司ctpartners的副主席dianesegalen说道:“一旦有男性从董事会离职,我们就四处搜寻符合董事会条件的女性来填补。”
- Ivo hahn , the boss of xecutive , a headhunting firm based in hong kong , has placed 20 such individuals with mainland firms in the last year , compared with none at all the year before .
- 香港猎头公司xecutive主管ivohahn,在去年一年的时间中安排了类似情况的20名员工进入内地公司,这是前所未有的。
- When boards are looking for a new chief executive , they increasingly want someone who has been head of risk as well as chief financial officer , which used to be the standard requirement , reckons mike woodrow of risk talent associates , another headhunting firm .
- 现今董事会寻找新的行政总裁,逐渐想要那种既有风险管理经验又有首席财务官经验的人选,这是过去使用的挑选标准,另一猎头公司风险人才协会mikewoodrow认为。
- What is it about headhunting that appeals to you ?
- 猎头工作吸引你的是什么?