

headings 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yahoo 's registration form effectively groups related content through purple headings and fine lines .
- 雅虎的注册表单通过紫色标题和细线把相关信息进行了有效的归类。
- At the end of the introduction you must summarize the paper by reciting the section headings .
- 在引言部分的末尾,你必须以列出各个小节标题的方式来作总结。
- If you 're writing a long article one of the most important things are headings .
- 如果你在写一篇很长的文章,很重要的一件事情就是你要去找小标题。
- Write main headings and important points on the left , including material you think you will be tested on .
- 在左边写下标题和重点,包括你认为可能会在考试中出现的东西。
- You can use all capitals effectively for short headings and to emphasize individual words or phrases in the text .
- 在短标题中使用大写很有有效果,或在文本中强调个别词或句子。
- Personally , I only use a light blue background and dark blue lines to segregate the various headings and sections .
- 我个人的习惯,我只用淡蓝色的背景和深蓝色的线划分各种标题和段落。
- Regardless of which headings you use to organize your warranty , be sure the headings are specific and informative .
- 无论您使用何种标题组织您的质保书,都要保证标题是具体、明确的。
- Headings make it easy to find information in a document .
- 标题能够使查找资料变得方便。
- Why don 't you use a different font for the headings ?
- 你为什么不使用不同的字体的标题?
- For example , use all questions or all statements in headings but do not mix questions and statements .
- 举例来说,都使用问句或都使用陈述句作标题,但不要混用问句和陈述句。