
n.猎头;猎取人头的蛮人,猎头者;( headhunter的名词复数 )
headhunters 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Headhunters
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- Clients should realise they can learn a lot about their own organisation via headhunters .
- 客户应该认识到,他们能通过猎头了解到关于自己所在机构的许多信息。
- In the last two months , headhunters have been scouring america 's decimated financial sector mostly for ethnic chinese executives .
- 在过去两个月内,猎头公司一直在遭受重创的美国金融行业搜寻华裔高管。
- The insurance sector faces around 600 job cuts , with professional services firms such as headhunters accounting for another 300 .
- 保险业将削减大约600个工作岗位,猎头等专业服务公司将削减300个工作岗位。
- For the same reasons , headhunters must engage interested candidates in extensive and realistic discussions of client and role .
- 出于同样的原因,猎头必须与有兴趣的候选人就客户和职位情况展开深入而现实的讨论。
- A positive side effect of this work concerns diversity , as headhunters can approach balanced numbers of women and men .
- 这样做的一大好处是多样性,因为猎头可以去联系数量大致相当的男性与女性。
- It 's time to go back to the headhunters and make them work harder for their swingeing fee .
- 现在该回过头来敦促猎头们再加把劲儿了,要不他们真对不起他们收取的高额费用。
- No wonder the headhunters come up with the same tired list of names , most of whom are already chums .
- 不足为奇的是,猎头们拥有相同的令人厌烦的名单,其中多数人已经是密友。
- Employers also need people with project management certificates , even at the vice president level , according to some headhunters .
- 据一些猎头透露,雇主也要求项目经理具备项目管理资格证书,连副总裁级别的高管也不例外。
- Since headhunters often troll for talent on social media sites , make sure your linkedin profile is complete and up-to-date . "
- 此外,由于猎头常常在社交媒体网站上搜索人才,因此,一定要确保你在商务社交网站LinkedIn上的简历完整并及时得到更新。
- At witt / kieffer , headhunters are finding that employers increasingly want managers with a decades-long track record of success .
- Witt/Kieffer公司的猎头们发现,雇主对于拥有几十年成功履历的管理者的需求日益增加。