

n.交火,火战,炮战( firefight的名词复数 )

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In october , the district shook almost around the clock from air strikes and firefights .
He said the streets of tripoli were full of protesters on feb. 20 , with firefights outside his house , but that by the night of feb. 21 the situation had quieted some .
It was during one of these firefights that I was recommended for and received the bronze star for heroism .
Firefights , ambushes , massacres and bombings take place almost daily .
The effort caused 73 deaths in firefights between the security forces and his supporters , but found no trace of him .
By late morning they were out again in the lush , lethal fields of zhari , a district due west of kandahar city in southern afghanistan where hidden bombs and firefights are a part of daily life .
Given the constant firefights and the fierce assaults of the taliban , it was little surprise that , during the depths of last winter , the completion date for peace street was pushed back to late march .
But on the ground , his officials say , the share of firefights involving close air support has already fallen from 35 % to 17 % in the past month .
Still , recent incidents that range from anti-government protests by native sinai bedouin , to firefights with smugglers , to deadly police fire directed at refugees , to the launching of rockets from sinai into neighbouring israel and jordan , suggest a sudden surge of problems .
Afghan police rushed to the scene and firefights broke out .