
v.扼杀( throttle的过去式和过去分词 );勒死;使窒息;压制
throttled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Its spirit of enterprise is throttled at birth by ridiculous rules .
- 企业精神自始就被这些荒谬的规定扼杀了。
- Policies of " reserving " entire production lines for small-scale enterprises throttled automation .
- 将整条生产线“留”给小规模企业的政策扼杀了自动化的发展。
- Coventry halted passenger flights in 2009 , throttled by its proximity to birmingham international .
- 由于附近伯明翰国际机场的压制,考文垂机场2009年已经停止用于民用飞机。
- This is true not only because he failed to improve the lot of egypt 's poorest very much , because he throttled meaningful political evolution , or because he let his police humiliate victims with impunity .
- 这种说法之所以正确,并不仅仅是因为穆巴拉克未能大幅改善埃及最贫苦者的命运,或是因其扼杀了有意义的政治进化过程,或是由于他纵容警察不受惩罚地羞辱受害者。