
thronging 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And his disciples said unto him , thou seest the multitude thronging thee , and sayest thou , who touched me ?
- 门徒对他说、你看众人拥挤你、还说谁摸我麽。
- The democratic enthusiasts thronging tahrir square do not necessarily speak for all the people , many of whom are conservative and authoritarian .
- 聚集在解放广场的民主分子并不代表所有的人,许多埃及人都是保守分子和专制主义者。
- First , it flushed out a lot of the more speculative retail money , the day-traders who had been thronging to local brokerage halls .
- 首先,它洗出了大批投机性更强的散户资金,那些聚集在当地证券公司交易大厅的短线投资者。
- The elevators were spilling out people who were thronging through the lobby on their way home .
- 电梯中吐出大量的人,熙熙攘攘穿过大厅然后回家。
- By thronging together , they create large , liquid markets that drive down trading costs and reduce risks by allowing large deals to be handled .
- 通过邻近的办公地点,创造了巨大的流动市场,从而降低了交易成本,减少了大宗交易的风险。
- Thoughts of war have left their places vacant in my mind , and in their room come thronging soft and delicate thoughts .
- 想到战争,脑子里就腾出地方来了,如今脑子里满是缠绵的柔情。
- The demonstrators thronging the steps of the war memorial in central indianapolis are a small but spirited bunch .
- 印第安纳波利斯市中心的战争纪念碑前,游行者人头攒动他们不过是“一小撮”,却精神充沛。
- I begin my own battle in the thronging liu li qiao bus station in the capital , where I am buying a ticket to chengde .
- 在首都拥挤的六里桥汽车站我开始我的中文之战,我在这儿买一张到承德的车票。
- " If there is any bloodshed , leaders of the protests will be held directly responsible , " the white-bearded khamenei told huge crowds thronging tehran university for friday prayers .
- 胡须斑白的哈梅内伊周五对挤满德黑兰大学的祷告人群说:“如果发生任何流血冲突,示威人群的领导人将付直接责任。”
- When they were finally alone , he would have fresh in his mind the picture of the other men thronging about her , he would be newly impressed with the fact that every one of them wanted her , and that look of sadness and despair would be in his eyes .
- 待到他们终于单独在一起时,他对于别的男人挤在她周围那番情景当然记忆犹新,当然会深深感到他们每个人确实很想要她,于是他便会流露出那种悲伤绝望的神色。