
v.成群,挤满( throng的过去式和过去分词 )
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- Outside greece 's parliament , in syntagma square , marchers once braved tear-gas and protesters thronged a tented city .
- 希腊国会外面,雅典宪法广场上,游行者曾经不惧催泪弹,抗议者曾占领了整个城市的大街小巷。
- Photo3 : giant petrels patrol the beach at st. andrews bay , thronged by king penguins and elephant seals .
- 图3:巨海燕在圣安德鲁斯st.andrews海湾上空飞来飞去,成群的帝企鹅和象海象聚集在一起。
- In the centre of damascus , crowds thronged through the narrow streets .
- 在大马士革市中心,人群簇拥着通过狭窄的街道。
- Being happy , once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit , opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends .
- 保持快乐一旦把它认作一种职责和形成一种习惯就会开启不可思议的花园大门,里面满怀感激的朋友。
- The town thronged with men in white anoraks and women in kalaallisuut , an outfit of sealskin boots and trousers set off with a beaded top .
- 小镇上到处是穿着白色极地夹克的男人,以及说着格陵兰语的女人,她们穿着全套的海豹皮靴和裤子,头戴珠宝。
- The crowds who thronged the court this week acted just like game fans , chanting for their rival teams .
- 本周法院门前人山人海,就正如球迷为各自主队呐喊助威。
- Around 450000 people thronged the streets for rallies , coming close to israel 's swankiest shopping precinct in tel aviv .
- 大约四十五万人集聚街头,向特拉维夫市---以色列最高档的购物区拢近。
- The world really can become a better place-that seemed to be the belief of the protesters who have thronged streets in the middle east .
- 世界可以更美好这似乎是中东地区涌上街头抗议的人们的信念。
- The rocky mountains are littered with ghost towns that were once thronged with men mining silver , lead or uranium .
- 落基山脉一度涌入大批的采矿者,进行银矿,铅矿以及铀矿的开采活动,而现在已经是遍布垃圾,沦为城市的废墟。
- However , protesters still thronged the city centre demanding the release of some students who were arrested during earlier protests , according to posts on weibo , the microblogging site .
- 不过,据微博网站新浪微博(weibo)上的一些帖子称,抗议者仍在市中心聚集,要求释放在稍早前的抗议中被捕的一些学生。