
n.毫克(千分之一克)( milligram的名词复数 )
milligrams 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And even the small , at 11 cups , delivers 670 calories , 550 milligrams of sodium and 24 grams of saturated fat .
- 就算是11杯的小份装,也含有670卡路里的热量,550毫克钠,和24克饱和脂肪。
- But recent studies have shown it 's only a diuretic at high doses -- above 575 milligrams .
- 但最近的研究表明这只是在高剂量高于575毫克的时候是利尿剂。
- One 8.3 ounce can of red bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine .
- 一罐8.3盎司的红牛饮料含有80毫克咖啡因。
- Caffeine intoxication can occur if more than 400 milligrams of caffeine is ingested in a short period .
- 如果短时间内摄入超过400毫克的咖啡因会导致咖啡因依赖。
- Only products containing less than 2.5 milligrams of melamine per kilo will be allowed into the eu .
- 只有每千克三聚氰胺含量低于2.5毫克的产品才被允许进入欧盟。
- 575 Milligrams is a little less than three cups of coffee , but that 's three regular size cups .
- 575毫克,是不到3杯咖啡,但是这三个通常大小的杯子。
- Analysis of the " deer raisin golden " raisins revealed they contained 11.07 milligrams per serving .
- 分析结果显示每袋“deer优选葡萄干”中含有11.07毫克亚硫酸盐。
- One group had a drink containing 500 milligrams of cocoa flavanols , a second group had a drink with 250 milligrams of cocoa flavanols and a third group had a placebo drink .
- 第一个组喝含有500毫克可可黄烷醇的饮料,第二组喝含有250毫克可可黄烷醇的饮料,第三组喝安慰剂饮料。
- But the physicians committee 's report said boosting consumption of milk or other dairy products was not necessarily the best way to provide the minimal calcium intake of at least 400 milligrams per day .
- 但是医师医药责任协会发表的研究表明提高牛奶或其他乳制品的摄入量并不是提供我们每天至少400毫克钙质所必要的、或者说最好的方法。
- Humans receiving an equivalent dose for their body weight would be consuming 500 milligrams of caffeine a day , equivalent to five cups of ordinary coffee .
- 人类按照单位体重接受的剂量计算,一天要消耗500毫克的咖啡因,也就是5杯普通咖啡。