
v.勾画,描述( delineate的过去式和过去分词 )
delineated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Earlier this year , looking at those , I argued that they would be most useful in cases where the group 's purposes and membership are clearly delineated .
- 今年早些时候,当我看到这个消息时,我就断定,如果群的目标和成员可以清晰廓清的话,这种形式还是非常有用的。
- Ant colonies bear similarities to human communities : that 's been fleshed out and personified before , from sharply delineated social order to death rituals to strict punishment for illicit behavior and treachery .
- 蚂蚁集群和人类社会相似:两者都曾被生动地赋予人性,无论是细致入微的社会规则,还是对非法行为的严厉惩戒。
- Those parts of the hong kong airport terminal building office block delineated and shaded pink on a plan marked e.
- 在标记e的图则上划定和加上粉红色阴影的香港机场大厦办公大楼的该等部分。
- The fault for the ill-defined nature of the border rests with the french mandatory authorities who never properly delineated and demarcated the frontier when the modern state of lebanon was established in the 1920s .
- 为边界不清的瑕疵在于谁从来没有正确划定边界划定和黎巴嫩时,现代国家是在1920年成立法国强制性当局。
- The features desired must be delineated completely and clearly .
- 希望的特点需要完全地、清晰地描绘出来。
- The author delineated many characters in his story .
- 作者在其故事中刻画了许多人物.
- The path of descent of an aircraft , delineated by a radio beam that directs the pilot in landing the craft .
- 下滑道:由无线电波束标出的飞机下降航道,用来引导飞行员着陆。
- The federal government possesses only those powers clearly delineated in the constitution ;
- 联邦政府只拥有宪法中明确陈述的权力,
- Although individual contributions have often delineated carefully the differing paths taken by these two populous asian nations , there has been a general tendency to lump the two countries together in discussions of global economic issues ranging from international trade to climate change .
- 尽管个别撰稿人经常认真描述这两个人口众多的亚洲国家采取的不同发展道路,但是,从国际贸易到气候变化,在各种全球经济议题的讨论中,人们通常倾向于把两国合并在一起考虑。
- Using the uniform telluric model in combination with hydrogeologic data , the authors preliminarily delineated the freshwater area , transitional type water area , salt water area and bitter water area as well as spring lake .
- 用均匀大地模型,结合已知的水文地质资料,初步圈定了淡水区、过渡类型水区、咸水区和苦水区及泉水湖。