
n.不法行为( delinquency的名词复数 );少年罪犯;过失;罪过
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- Delinquencies on credit-card debt continue to rise .
- 信用卡债务的拖欠事件也在继续上升。
- Delinquencies rocketed in the final months of 2008 .
- 2008年末几个月,违约事件飙升。
- The executives discussed one positive sign - an apparent tapering off of new delinquencies .
- 主管们讨论了一个乐观的现象新的拖欠行为明显减少了。
- The majority of project loans are seasoned , however , and reported delinquencies are low .
- 不过,大部分的工程贷款比较稳定,拖欠贷款的比例较低。
- Across the industry credit-card delinquencies are flattening out .
- 整个行业的信用卡违约率也趋于平稳。
- Defaults and delinquencies are known to be rising : companies like citigroup and american express have said so .
- 违约和拖欠贷款会增加,对此我们是知道的:花旗和美国运通之类的公司已说过。
- But when subprime delinquencies rose , accountants demanded that banks revalue these instruments .
- 但当次贷违约行为增加时,会计师们要求银行对这些工具重新估值。
- Delinquencies on american mortgage loans are still rising : the seasonally adjusted rate in the first quarter was higher across all categories .
- 美国房屋抵押贷款违约率依旧在上升:第一季度的季节性调整利率仍然是所有类别中较高的。
- According to ubs , the rate of subprime-loan delinquencies of 60 days or more stood at around 8 % in october , nearly double the rate of a year before .
- 据瑞银集团(ubs)称,10月份次优房贷断供60天以上的不良率达8%左右,大约是一年前的两倍。
- If americans don 't get their finances in better shape - if mortgage defaults keep rising and credit card delinquencies soar - banks will remain afraid to lend , and the recession will linger .
- 如果美国人不能使自己的财务好转(如果抵押贷款违约和信用卡不良行为继续走高),银行会害怕放贷,萧条会逗留不去。