
n.安慰,慰问( consolation的名词复数 );起安慰作用的人(或事物)

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- I gave this some thought and decided there are 10 consolations to having your bag swiped , many of them quite substantial .
- 我对此做了一番思考,总结出了包被偷后可以得到的10种安慰,其中不少颇有价值。
- I need the consolations from your loves
- 我需要爱的慰藉?
- Listen carefully to my word , and let this be your consolations .
- 你们要细听我的言语,作为你们对我的安慰。
- Mired in mid-term malaise , the government can summon at least two consolations from its education reforms .
- 对于陷入低迷期的国家来说,英国政府至少可以从它的教育改革上得到两个慰藉。
- Religions , despite what people think of as their personal consolations , have not served the world well .
- 宗教,尽管人们把它看做是一种自我安慰,它却并没有很好的服务于这个世界。
- The writer and philosopher alain de botton whose latest book , religion for atheists , examines the consolations of faith for those who do not believe argues that the internal dynamics of religions often confer progressive views on their followers , who find themselves at odds with today 's free-market society .
- 作家和哲学家艾伦迪波顿在他的新书《无神论者的宗教》中探讨了信仰对那些不信教者的慰藉效果,他称宗教内在的动力常常赋予信徒进步的观点,让心中发现自己和如今的自由市场社会不相容。
- The inherent pleasure of making art is one of the traditional consolations of the painting profession which lack of fame or success cannot take away .
- 制造艺术的内在愉悦感是绘画专业的一种传统的聊以自慰,名气和成功的缺乏都不能将之带走。
- I take my essentially happy middle-class life and make it sound serious by pulling out all the consolations .
- 我过着其实挺快乐的中产阶级生活,却拿掉所有让人感到安慰的东西,让它听起来好像很严峻。
- In particular , atheism cannot offer the incentives to conduct and the consolations for misfortune which theistic religions supply to their adherents .
- 具体说来,无神论者无法像有神论宗教为其信徒所做的那样,为人们的统一行为提供激励,给不幸者带来安慰。
- But , while the adoration of the armpit had its consolations for the adored , harriet really didn 't like the way that jack 's ragged fingernail cut into her flesh .
- 但,在腋窝崇拜有那么丁点儿安慰作用的同时,哈莉特真是不喜欢杰克将破损的指甲划入她肉里的举动。