

n.(尤指青少年)有过失的人,违法的人( delinquent的名词复数 )
delinquents 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A comparative study of personality traits between violent and non-violent delinquents .
- 暴力少年犯与非暴力少年犯人格特质比较。
- The judge thought it appropriate to exercise leniency on most juvenile delinquents .
- 法官认为对大多数少年犯以宽大量刑为宜.
- Ran a negative campaign ; delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on .
- 竞选活动产生了负面效应;罪犯的发展受他们对生活的消极观点所阻碍。
- I know that your program works with juvenile delinquents .
- 据我所知,您是专门研究青少年犯罪的。
- Juvenile delinquents are re-educated and taught not to rely on violence to resolve conflicts .
- 青少年罪犯接受了再教育,教官告诫他们不要再依赖暴力来解决争端。
- The average level of moral cognitive development for the juvenile delinquents was at the second level .
- 犯罪少年道德认知发展平均在第二阶。
- An army of juvenile delinquents with pistols ?
- 一支拿着手枪的小杂碎组成的军队?
- The robbery was committed by a group of delinquents .
- 那起抢劫案是一群青少年干的。
- Of course , there are delinquents in every generation .
- 当然,也有顽劣的,在每一代人.
- Reformation of juvenile delinquents and the restoration of victims .
- 少年更生与被害者损害恢复。