

eighteen 变化形式
复数: eighteens
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- That year he was eighteen years old was participating in a large scale hydraulic engineering construction .
- 那一年他才十八岁,正在参加一项大型的水利工程建设。
- General than shwe commuted the sentences to eighteen months of house arrest .
- 丹瑞将军(generalthanshwe)将判决减至十八个月的软禁。
- At twenty-eight I care less about what others think of my hairstyle and my clothes than I did at eighteen .
- 在二十八岁时,我比在十八岁时更少的在意别人对我的发型着装的看法。
- About eighteen feet square , with a round turret that housed a winding staircase leading up to a crenellated rooftop .
- 大约十八平方英尺,有一圆形尖塔内事螺旋的往上楼梯锯齿形直通屋顶。
- Eighteen years ago this summer I rode a bicycle , solo , across the united states and wrote about it .
- 十八年前的夏天,我独自一人骑自行车穿越了美国,还写了游记。
- Eighteen months ago cern , europe 's particle-physics laboratory , based near geneva , switched on its latest toy .
- 欧洲核子研究中心十八个月以前在位于日内瓦附近的欧洲粒子物理实验室开启了新玩意。
- Eighteen months on , however , and mr sarkozy is finding that his feisty minority ministers are giving him more than a spot of trouble .
- 然而,十八个月后,萨科奇先生逐渐发现了,他的少数民族部长们可给他找了不少麻烦。
- That 'll be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents .
- 十八美元七十五美分。
- Eighteen hours after no facebook , I know one thing is for sure - I don 't have access to my favorite casual games to make me feel better .
- 在没有facebook的十八个小时后,可以肯定的一点是:我没有必要以登录我最喜欢的游戏来使我感觉更好。
- I 've worked in the field of search for the past eighteen years , having been introduced to search in 1990 as a graduate student in computer science .
- 从1990年从计算机科学系毕业以来就进入搜索领域,到现在已经有十八个年头,搜索又被称为信息检索。