
v.限制,定…的界( delimit的现在分词 );定义
delimiting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The major tasks of municipal or county-level marine functional zoning shall be : in light of the requirements of the provincial marine functional zoning , scientifically delimiting class-a and class-b marine functional areas of this region and further classifying these marine functional areas in light of this region 's social and economic development situation .
- 市、县级海洋功能区划的主要任务是:根据省级海洋功能区划,科学划定本地区一级类、二级类海洋功能区,并可根据社会经济发展的实际情况划分更详细类别海洋功能区。
- Application of remote sensing technique in marine delimiting .
- 遥感技术在海域勘界中的应用。
- Thinking in the heart , rise than delimiting in the hand , let winch overturn fall into at a draught went in well .
- 心里想着,手中比划起来,一下子让辘轳打翻掉进水井里去了。
- Delimiting administrative crimes and administrative offenses and their legislation model .
- 行政犯罪与行政违法的界定及立法方式。
- A hedgehog delimited strong steamboat ~ is delimiting once upon a time delimiting flat .
- 从前有只刺猬划冲汽船~划着划着就漏气了。
- Design and implement of delimiting price and charging system in hospital outpatient service .
- 医院门诊划价收费系统的设计与实现。
- Property specifies the string to use for delimiting the fields within a log message .
- 属性指定用于在日志消息中分隔字段的字符串。
- Delimiting a country 's ability to suppress its exchange rate ( reserve accumulation limits ) or to blunt the effect of unwanted capital inflows ( sterilisation ) may not fully dissuade a country bent on other protectionist forms .
- 限定一国压低汇率(储备积累限制)或冲淡过度资本流入影响(冲销)的能力,可能无法说服这个国家不采取其它形式的保护主义手段。
- It comes with the added overhead of needing various rules to be defined by which to perform the segmentation . These rules can ensure that certain text is not mistaken as delimiting sentences when it should not and that other text that does constitute sentences are not overlooked .
- 它增加的内容包括为进行分割需要设定的各种规则这些规则可以确保某些文本不会被误认为限定用句子,不构成句子的其他文本也不被忽略。
- Study on delimiting urban regeneration area evaluation index .
- 划定都市更新地区评估指标之研究。