
v.繁衍,增殖( propagate的现在分词 );传播,宣传,普及
propagating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The most intrepid university campus lining propagating playbill .
- 大学校园里最强悍的宣传海报。
- We are propagating the paper as widely as we can .
- 我们正在尽可能地对该篇论文进行宣传。
- Normally , the researchers suggest , the barriers would stop a quake from propagating from one segment to another .
- 研究者指出,通常断裂带会阻碍震动从一个板块传播到另外一个。
- Who is propagating that nonsense ?
- 谁在传播那种荒谬的想法?
- However , as its name suggests , it runs parallel to the surface of the material that is propagating it , rather than penetrating this material .
- 然而正如它的名称所提示的,它本身是与传播材料的表面呈平行移动的,而不是穿透传播材料。
- Those abundant characteristic tourist commodities can spread abroad the local conditions and customs of a region or a nation , giving full play to the wonderful propagating effect .
- 那些丰富且具有特色的旅游商品能够将本民族、本地区的风土民情传播到海内外,起到了极好的宣传效应。
- Until a more fully evolved academic language is developed , the industry press is , however unwittingly , propagating a dangerous cycle that threatens to undermine the creative aspect of game development .
- 直到一种更充分发展的学术语言被开发,工业出版社是,不管多么非故意地,宣传威胁破坏比赛开发的有创造性的方面的一个危险周期。
- Nudging through the metal some desire absolutely irrelevant to filling its belly or propagating its own kind .
- 轻推金属一后阵欲望升起,一种和填饱肚子及繁殖无关的欲望。
- He became one of history 's most influential agents for propagating knowledge of the potential for constructive social change without resorting to violence .
- 他成为历史上其中一位最有影响力,在传播知识方面为具有潜在建设性的社会改革上未付诸暴力的代言人。
- North korea 's retrograde moves are wrecking its economy and propagating discontent among the masses .
- 朝鲜的倒退行径让经济遭受严重打击,不满情绪在公众间蔓延。