Cathy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In the early hours of the day after their meeting , catherine gives birth to her daughter , cathy , and then dies .
- 在他们见面后的几个小时内,凯瑟琳生下了一个女孩,取名凯西,然后她也去世了。
- Pop figures : the japanese rabbit cathy was created as a friend of hello kitty , a favourite character for toast art
- 流行的图样:hellokitty的好友卡通兔cathy是烤吐司艺术最爱展示的角色。
- It already exists in the real world : microsoft researcher cathy marshall has found that university students carefully study used textbooks before buying them , because they want to acquire the smartest notes .
- 但是它已经存在于现实世界:微软研究员cathymarshall发现,很多大学生在购买他们使用的二手课本之前都会仔细研究一番,因为他们希望看到书上有好的注解。
- Professor cathy price says the differences in performance could be the result of some teens being early or late developers .
- 凯茜普莱斯说,测试的差异可能是某些青年早期或后期发展的结果。
- Lockwood departs but , before he leaves , he hears that hareton and cathy plan to marry on new year 's day .
- 洛克伍德离开了,但在离开之前,他听说哈里顿和凯西打算在新年结婚。
- Sanders laughed-it was an odd request-but the insurance salesman had treated his family well in the aftermath of cathy 's death and was even now managing the proceeds of her policy , so he agreed .
- 桑德斯笑了这是个奇怪的请求但是这个保险推销员在凯西死后的那段时间里待他家很好,即使现在也还在打理她的保险单的收益,所以他同意了。
- Cathy slowly forced herself to be calm .
- cathy强迫着自己慢慢冷静下来。
- My best friend is cathy .
- 我最好的朋友是凯茜。
- She is named catherine , but is called cathy .
- 她取名凯瑟琳,但人叫她凯茜。
- Say something nice to cathy . She thrives on compliments .
- 向凯茜说点好听的话吧。她喜欢别人恭维。