
v.按重要性排列,划分优先顺序( prioritize的现在分词 );优先处理
prioritizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- David yoffie , a harvard business school professor who studies technology and e-commerce companies , said prioritizing is important for google .
- 研究科技和电子商务公司的哈佛商学院教授约菲(davidyoffie)说,分清轻重缓急对谷歌至关重要。
- There are two approaches to " prioritizing " the tasks in your to-do list that I see fairly often .
- 我常常见到的,有两种方法可以排列你那些在你的待办事项里面的事务的“优先程度”。
- Developing new ideas involves a certain amount of experimentation and failure , as well as prioritizing of the most promising ideas .
- 除了优先选择有前景的创意之外,新创意的最终形成还需要进行多次实验,经历多次失败。
- But it does no prioritizing , and everything is added to your lists .
- 但它没有优化,所有只是一股脑的加入到你的等待清单里。
- But because of her strong sense of balance however , she will endeavor to balance her wants from the needs by prioritizing on what is really appropriate and what is not .
- 但是天秤座的女人都有这强烈的平衡感,她们总是会尽力的通过优先选择哪些是真的合适哪些并不合适来衡量她们所想要的东西。
- It is the area responsible for planning , prioritizing and controlling impulses .
- 这个区域负责规划、优选和控制神经冲动。
- I didn 't worry about doing any advance scheduling or prioritizing .
- 我并不为预先的安排和次序而担忧。
- Will it get us beyond excuse-making , bickering over who should do what , and prioritizing adults over children ?
- 它是否会让我们不再找借口,不再相互推诿,不再只重视大人而忽略孩子?
- Ellen bialystok , from toronto 's york university , explained that bilingual children are better at prioritizing tasks than monolinguals .
- 多伦多约克大学的艾伦比亚力斯托克(ellenbialystok)说,双语儿童比单语儿童更善于任务排序。
- Under former chief executive steve jobs , apple historically prided itself on prioritizing profits over scale and offered a relatively small number of products targeted at the high end .
- 在前首席执行长乔布斯(stevejobs)领导下,苹果一直以更重利润而非规模而引以为豪,并用数量相对较少的产品瞄准高端人群。