

KO 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Koko
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- Let 's start by asking dr. ko to approach this question from a medical viewpoint .
- 我们先请柯医师从医学观点切入这个议题。
- Until ms. ko died of breast cancer in 2004 , she was mr. kim 's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons .
- 直到ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。
- Ko agrees with lee that , for at least some applications , genetically modified dogs and cats work better than mice .
- ko同意lee,至少在某些应用中,转基因的狗和猫比老鼠能更高好的发挥作用。
- Visiting his widowed mother at her flat in the city , the novelist ko dahl heard the explosion .
- 到母亲的公寓拜访时候,小说家ko达尔(kodahl)听说了这起爆炸事件。
- Get out a few bends after passing ko university into unspoilt countryside where there are migrating birds in spring and autumn .
- 转几个弯,经过ko大学之后,就会进入原始风貌的乡野,每年春秋季都会有候鸟在此停歇。
- He was ko 'd in the second round .
- 他在第二回合中被击倒。
- Was he called ko tang ?
- 他是不是叫高登?
- Mr. ko chun , have you seen your son ?
- 高进先生,你没看过自己的儿子吧
- Said of ko , who died in paris in 2004 while being treated for breast cancer .
- 而高英姬于2004年因乳腺癌在巴黎逝世。
- Luck always has a part to play in any campaign but particularly in ko competitions .
- 运气总是在任何比赛中扮演角色,尤其在淘汰赛中。