
countered 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Senators countered the fed shouldn 't have let the u. s.economy reach such a perilous point .
- 参议员们反驳说,美联储当初不该让美国经济走到如此危险的地步。
- But government shelling and aerial bombing , countered by relentless guerrilla attacks , continue across large swathes of the country .
- 但是政府炮击和空袭,以及无情的游击战争反击,都在该国大片地区继续进行着。
- But that man countered beautifully .
- 那家伙这次还对应得真好。
- But commodity bulls argue that the impact of a us slowdown will be countered by growth elsewhere .
- 但大宗商品看涨人士认为,其它地区的经济增长将会抵消美国经济放缓的影响。
- Strong exports have countered the weakness in construction .
- 强劲的出口在建筑方面遭遇了疲软。
- Bush supporters countered with their own gathering nearby .
- 布什的支持者相反地在附近聚集起来。
- I countered their proposal with my own .
- 我提出自己的提案来和他们的对抗。
- I countered by asking whether she actually knew this man .
- 我反问她究竟认识不认识这个男人。
- Spotting the danger , mrs merkel has countered with what amounts to a soft relaunch of her government .
- 默克尔夫人已预见到这种危险,于是她提起一个可以与之抗衡的举措,即温和地重新激起政府的活力。
- Local governments have countered by moaning about the difficulty of securing funding in a climate of aggressive monetary tightening .
- 在货币不断大幅收紧的背景下,地方政府则以抱怨难以保证资金作为回应。