

anatomic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- However , the most recent anatomic studies have demonstrated the safety of this procedure .
- 不过,最近的解剖研究证实了这个手术入路的安全性。
- Anatomic properties of myocardial bridge predisposing to myocardial infarction .
- 心肌桥的解剖学特性使其更易于发生心肌梗死。
- Objective : to provide anatomic data for treatment of thoracic nerve root sheath diseases .
- 目的:为临床胸神经根鞘性疾患的诊治提供解剖学基础。
- Anatomic basis of rebuilding lateral malleolus with the second metatarsus with blood supply .
- 带血供第2跖骨底移植重建外踝的解剖学基础。
- Ever since the anatomic homo sapiens intruded southeast asia 40000 years ago , human beings has been the hunters and competitors of orang .
- 自从4万年前解剖学意义上的现代人侵入东南亚以来,人类就一直是猩猩的掠食者和竞争者。
- Clinical anatomy of calcaneus and correlated anatomic structures .
- 跟骨及其周围结构的临床解剖学研究。
- Anatomic characteristics of bark of very high-yielding rubber budding tree .
- 超高产橡胶芽接树的树皮结构特征。
- Anatomic and clinical study of anterior transposition of the vascularized ulnar nerve for cubital tunnel syndrome .
- 带血管蒂尺神经前移治疗肘管综合征的基础与临床应用研究。
- Repair of lack of skin and parenchyma of extremities with the union flap spanning anatomic area .
- 跨区联合皮瓣修复四肢大面积皮肤软组织缺损。
- Anatomic features of accessory nerve and clinical significance of its injury .
- 副神经的解剖特点及其损伤在临床中的意义。