
v.对抗,抵消( counteract的第三人称单数 )
counteracts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Resveratrol counteracts a universal mechanism of aging .
- 白藜芦醇抵消普遍老化机制。
- As climate change reinforces some trends and counteracts others it will reshape britain and its landscapes .
- 随着气候变化加剧一些趋势以及中和其他因素,这将重塑大不列颠和其土地。
- For the fed , the economic recovery remains fragile and spare capacity counteracts inflationary forces .
- 对美联储来说,经济复苏依然脆弱,闲置产能抵消了通胀压力。
- Analytic soda acid counteracts titration the university entrance exam to inscribe ( 92-2004 )
- 解析“酸碱中和滴定”高考题(92-2004)
- Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of sweating .
- 喝大量水正好抵消出汗引起的脱水效应。
- Salt and nitrites inhibit bacterial growth and enhance flavor and color ; sugar counteracts the hardening effect of salt and also enhances flavor .
- 盐和亚硝酸盐会抑制细菌生长并改善肉的风味和色泽;糖会抵消盐的硬化影响并能改善肉的风味。
- For those who rarely exercise , the fatigue from aerobic activity counteracts the short-term benefits .
- 氧运动产生的疲惫会抵消那短期的效果。
- An agent , an element , or a thing that balances , counteracts , or compensates for something else .
- 补偿,抵消一种用以平衡、抵消、中和或补偿另一物的试剂、元素等物。
- In a new study , researchers have shown that a weight loss program not only counteracts depressed mood but also reduces risk factors for heart disease and stroke in obese patients .
- 在一项新的研究中,研究者揭示减肥计划不但对抗了抑郁的情绪,而且还降低了肥胖病人心脏病和中风的风险因素。
- However , there 's a catch : this is the case only for the physically fit . For those who rarely exercise , the fatigue from aerobic activity counteracts the short-term benefits .
- 不过前提是:要在身体条件允许情况下进行,对于几乎不做运动的人,有氧运动产生的疲惫会抵消那短期的效果。