
countering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But differential voting plans can be a dangerous , double-edged tool for countering this .
- 但为了对抗短期行为而安排差别投票权,可能是一把危险的双刃剑。
- But he said his coalition government will continue to pursue its own strategy in countering the taliban insurgency .
- 不过,他说巴基斯坦联合政府在打击塔利班暴乱活动中将继续执行自己的战略。
- Countering that threat is the likelihood the fed will keep short-term rates near zero for some time .
- 与通缩威胁相对抗的是美联储可能在一段时间内保持短期利率接近零。
- Countering tax avoidance with source rules and exchange of information agreements : lessons from canada .
- 运用来源地规则和情报交换协定反避税:来自加拿大的经验。
- The global volume of foreign exchange trading has grown rapidly in recent years , which prevents intervention by a single government from countering bigger market trends .
- 最近几年全球外汇交易量迅猛增长,因此一国政府的市场干预效果都将会被更大的市场趋势所抵消。
- In rural assam the ojha , a traditional medicine man , is revered for his skills at countering black magic .
- 在阿萨姆邦的农村,奥杰哈是传统的药理师,因有抵御邪恶魔法的能力而受到尊敬。
- More crucial to the bush administration has been libya 's importance in countering al-qaeda and its offshoots .
- 对于布什政府而言,更为至关紧要的是利比亚在制衡基地组织及其党羽中的重要作用。
- He says pakistan needs their help in countering india 's military might and its potential influence in afghanistan .
- 他说,这是因为巴基斯坦政府需要哈卡尼的帮助,来抗衡印度的军事力量以及印度在阿富汗的潜在影响力。
- What is the best mental strategy for countering negative thoughts or emotions ?
- 哪种是最有效的精神策略消除负面想法或情绪呢?
- Barack obama 's administration and the fed were fatally slow in countering the accusation .
- 在反驳上述指责方面,奥巴马政府和美联储表现得极为迟缓。