
counterbalances 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The frictional force between a particle and fluid counterbalances the weight of the particle .
- 颗粒与流体之间的摩擦力与其重量相平衡。
- This carries out a foreign currency trading , its transaction result just counterbalances the foreign currency property profit and loss , which produces by the exchange rate change .
- 外汇交易因此而进行,交易的结果冲销了汇率波动给外汇资产可能带来的利润和损失.
- " Our science is making a better world for human existence and economic development and arguably could be something that counterbalances everything negative about globalization , " he says .
- 我们的科学是创造一个更好的世界来让人类生存和经济发展并且按理说应该是一些应该平衡任何关于全球化的负面的事情。