
v.支持,赞同,批准( countenance的现在分词 )
countenancing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It is impossible to imagine the republican party convention countenancing a fiscal stimulus .
- 我们很难想象共和党代表大会能支持什么财政刺激计划。
- But by countenancing jointly financed bank recapitalisation , mrs merkel has accepted a broader notion of risk-sharing .
- 但是支持共同注资给银行进行资本重组,表示默克尔总理接受了更宽泛的风险共担的观点。
- Strictly speaking we are not even for the most part talking of reflationary packages , but simply countenancing deficits automatically produced by recession .
- 严格来说,我们主要不是在讨论通货再膨胀计划,而只是在认可因衰退而自然产生的赤字。
- That would only thrust the patient still deeper into his conflict with society by countenancing his pathogenic weakness .
- 那样做仅是鼓励病人的疾病弱点,将他更深一层地投入跟社会的冲突。